Policy for Service Members Called to Active Duty

MIEMSS Veterans Services Specialist Program (VSS Program)

This policy applies to the certification/licensure status of all Maryland prehospital clinicians (EMR, EMT–B, CRT, Paramedic and EMD) who are deployed or activated under military orders in the service of the United States Armed Forces. This also includes any reservist called to extended active duty. Recognizing that no entity can jeopardize the rights and privileges of one called into the service of the United States, a “military EMS clinician status” is available to these service members, enabling them to return to their established level of function within one year of their return to Maryland.

The date of return will be established based on the service member's certificate of discharge, statement of release, separation orders, or certificate of retirement. The State of Maryland reserves the right to require a photocopy of one of the above as documentation of the service member's date of return.

If the Maryland EMS certification or license is predicated upon current registration with the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT), maintenance of NREMT registration, including continuing education requirements, is an individual responsibility and must be conducted in accordance with National Registry policies.

In the event of deployment or activation:

1. The EMS clinician or his/her designee applies for military status with MIEMSS Office of EMS Clinician Services after receiving notice that they have been notified of extended active duty.

2. The MIEMSS Office EMS Clinician Services places the clinician on Military extended inactive status as a clinician as stated in COMAR

Upon return of the clinician to Maryland:

3. The clinician notifies MIEMSS Office of EMS Clinician Services that he/she desires reinstatement to active status and provides appropriate documentation of release from active duty or stationed in Maryland.

4. The CRT or Paramedic provides documentation of current active registration with the NREMT.

5. MIEMSS Office of EMS Clinician Services will verify EMS affiliation with an approved EMS operational program.

6. If a revision of the Maryland Medical Protocols for EMS clinicians occurred during his/her absence, the clinician must complete the Protocol Orientation Course.

7. If the clinician is outside of their regular certification cycle the clinician will complete all requirements for renewal as stated in COMAR

8. One calendar year from the date of deactivation is afforded to the clinician for completion of steps 1 through 7.

Reference: COMAR


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