Media Services & Public Information

About Media Service Requests:
To more effectively and efficiently serve our clients both internal and external of the agency, MIEMSS Media Services has developed a Media Request Ticketing System. These services are open and available to our EMS community, hospital affiliates, and constituents associated with Maryland EMS.
Submit a Media Request
You can also create a Media Service request ticket via e-mail by submitting your media request to: Media Services

Media Services and Public Information (Media Services) is responsible for the design, development, and deployment of the MIEMSS website; educational and instructional media for EMS educators and clinicians; publications; video production; audio/visual conference support; graphic and illustrative design; visual communications for the Maryland community including but not limited to public service announcements, newsletters, social media, and web content; and providing successful educational and informational events for the EMS community and partners in the state of Maryland. Media Services ensures that necessary and relevant information developed internally and by its partners is distributed statewide, and that public requests are met as needed and required by Maryland’s Public Information Act.

Todd Abramovitz,
Director and PIO, Media Services and Public information

Brian Slack
Media Services Specialist,
Audio,Video and Photography

Patrick Tandy
Editor and Social Media Manager

Matt Keene
Web Engineer and Graphic Support

Sue Catterton
Administrative Support

Media Services team Contact: |  (410) 706-3994 


Maryland EMS Protocol Publications

Media Services and Public Information (Media Services) supported the production and dissemination of educational materials and content for the updating, documentation, and dissemination of The Maryland Medical Protocols for Emergency Medical Services. The Media Services team created the print and electronic versions of the Maryland EMS Protocols, which included a hard-copy book in three sizes and a PDF for electronic distribution. Media Services worked with the Office of EMS Clinician Services (OCS) and EMS professionals from across the state to create accessible educational materials and videos for EMS clinicians and Base Stations to aid EMS professionals with completion requirements. Materials are available through the MIEMSS website, Online Training Center, Maryland EMS YouTube channel. Media Services collaborated with the Office of the State EMS Medical Director to produce videos for each protocol update for FY 2023, worked with OCS to ensure SCORM standards, and made them available in the Online Training Center.
Maryland EMS Protocols Page

Media Development

Media Services and Public Information (Media Services) provides video and photographic production and editing, graphic design, digital publishing, illustration, editorial, A/V, and framing for internal and external partners throughout the year. Full PSA productions, social media, flyers and posters, and full audio, visual and lighting support for media events, conferences, and classroom sessions are just a few services provided.

  • An informational video about MIEMSS for AARP Maryland;
  • Video “Importance of bike helmets” (30 and 60 second spots); 
  • Public service announcement (PSA) video “Car Seats”;
  • “SIM WEEK” video production for UMM poster session;
  • PSA “Stroke Smart Maryland, The Warning Signs of a Stroke” for the Maryland Stroke Center Consortium (MSCC);
  • Social media videos to celebrating and documenting Maryland EMS;
  • Maryland EMS News;
  • Executive Director’s Report;
  • Social media posts for Bivalent Vaccination Booster and the Flu Shots to include the Flooster, seat belts, and traffic safety, including the “Move Over or Get Pulled Over”, in support of Maryland Department of Health, Maryland State Police, and MIH;
  • Mental Health First Aid Maryland graphic production and marketing materials to support public education national certification; and • Maryland Active Assailant Interdisciplinary Work Group (AAIWG) website support and analytics.

Events and Conferencing Support

Media Services and Public Information (Media Services) provides a range of leadership, consulting, and support to the design and setup of events and conferencing. In addition to media development, Media Services provides streaming and post-production sharing of interviews, remote engagement, smart classroom setup, audio/video, lighting and photography, and other important tasks in support of our internal and external partners. Media Services’ portrait and photo booth-style setups and social media interviews promoted camaraderie and pride in Maryland EMS. In FY 2023, its partners included Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute (MFRI), University of Maryland Medical System, R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center, Maryland Committee on Trauma, and the Maryland State Firemen's Association, among others. Media Services provides support for audio, video, graphics, illustration and audio, and visual and photographic support. Media Services fully supported the following conferences and events:

  • Maryland State Firemen's Association (MSFA) Legislative Reception (Annapolis, MD)
  • Winterfest EMS Conference (Talbot County, MD)
  • Miltenberger Emergency Services Seminar (Garrett and Allegany Counties, MD)
  • The 28th Annual EMS Medical Directors Symposium (Baltimore, MD)
  • EMS Care Conference (Ocean City, MD)
  • MSFA Memorial Foundation Induction Service (Annapolis, MD) • Annual Point/Counterpoint Acute Care Surgery Conference (Baltimore, MD) • MSFA Convention and Memorial Program (Ocean City, MD)

During National EMS Week in May 2023, Media Services worked with Leadership, Regional Coordination and Maryland Jurisdictions to plan, implement, and notify the public of celebratory activities; organize award presentations; create and prepare certificates, plaques, and pins for distribution to awardees; and set up audio/visual equipment to document the events, including the Maryland Star of Life Awards, Right Care When It Counts Awards, and EMS Star Awards.

Public Information

Media Services and Public Information (Media Services) stewards the EMS and MIEMSS history archive. As part of the yearlong celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Maryland EMS system, Media Services created a virtual Interactive History Timeline (IHT), which allows the EMS community to archive and share relevant events, images, documents, and videos from the past and present. In FY 2023, Media Services assisted the Office of EMS for Children through ongoing webinar support for training series, technical audio visual support, illustrated posters, web updates, newsletters, advertisements/flyers for the Child Passenger Safety grant; and opening its production studios to serve a variety of groups in need of video recording and photography in preparation for events and presentations. In January 2023, MIEMSS hosted Dr. Rahul Gupta, Director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, who discussed the ongoing opioid overdose epidemic with EMS, public health leaders, and law enforcement officials of the Washington/Baltimore High-Intensity Drug-Trafficking Areas (HIDTA) program. Media Services, in collaboration with MIEMSS’ Leadership and EMS Preparedness and Operations, prepared the educational space and worked with the HIDTA team to disseminate event-related communications. Media Services recorded the event, shared that recording with HIDTA, and provided follow-up information about the event in Maryland EMS News and the Executive Director’s Report.

Public Information Act Requests

The § 4-503 of the General Provisions Article representative (agency's designated PIA contact person) for the Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems (MIEMSS), the State Emergency Medical Services Board, and the State Emergency Medical Services Advisory Board is:

Todd Abramovitz
Director, Media Services and Public Information
Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems
653 West Pratt Street, 3rd Floor,  Baltimore, MD 21201  |  410-706-3994

Public Record requests may be directed to Mr. Abramovitz. Public Records may also be obtained online from the MIEMSS website home page under Online Services – Data Request Form. More information about PIA requests can be found on the website under for the Public/Public Information and Order Reports.

The public has access to a number of records that are available from the MIEMSS website, and the following information is available for licensed or certified EMS clinicians:

  1. the name of the clinician;
  2. the business address of the clinician;
  3. the business telephone number of the clinician;
  4. the educational and occupational background of the clinician;
  5. the professional qualifications of the clinician; and
  6. any orders and findings that resulted from formal disciplinary actions.

Submit a Media Request
You may also create a ticket via e-mail by submitting your media request to: Media Services

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The State of Maryland pledges to provide constituents, businesses, customers, and stakeholders with friendly and courteous, timely and responsive, accurate and consistent, accessible and convenient, and truthful and transparent services.

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Help Stop Fraud in State Government

The Maryland General Assembly's Office of Legislative Audits operates a toll-free fraud hotline to receive allegations of fraud and/or abuse of State government resources. Information reported to the hotline in the past has helped to eliminate certain fraudulent activities and protect State resources.

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