Emergency Medical Services for Children

The Emergency Medical Services for Children (EMSC) Program at MIEMSS addresses the unique needs of children within the EMS system, providing a focal point for statewide resources and networking on emergency care for children and their families.

The EMSC Program is responsible for the development of statewide guidelines and resources for pediatric care, review of pediatric emergency care and facility regulations, coordination of pediatric education programs, collaboration with other agencies and organizations focused on childhood health, and illness and injury prevention.

The EMSC Program coordinates the state Pediatric Emergency Medical Advisory Committee (PEMAC), the state Pediatric Quality Improvement Committee, and the five Regional Pediatric EMS Advisory Committees.

The EMSC Program in Maryland is integrated into all levels of EMS Services at the local, regional, and state levels and includes: Pediatric Education; Prevention Initiatives; Specialty Care Facility Designation; Pediatric Base Stations and Medical Consultation; and Quality Management.

With the belief that the EMSC Program is an integrated part of the overall statewide EMS System, both pediatric equipment standards and pediatric protocols are included in the state Volunteer Ambulance Inspection Program, the Statewide Maryland Medical Protocols for EMT-B and ALS clinicians, and the Interhospital Transfer Guidelines.

Federal EMSC grants are coordinated through the Maryland EMSC program office involving statewide projects, specialized targeted issues projects, and research initiatives at academic universities.

Mission Statement

The EMSC program's mission, consistent with the MIEMSS leadership mission, is to provide the leadership, direction, expertise, and coordination of resources that focus on the unique needs of children and their families in a manner that facilitates the efficient and effective delivery of out of hospital, hospital, and restorative care throughout the state.  These resources include injury and illness prevention, clinical protocols, standards of care and facility regulations, quality improvement initiatives, interagency collaboration, and initial and continuing education for clinicians across the continuum of care that will promote the health and well-being of children in Maryland.

Maryland Pediatric Reference Card & Poster

To view the PDF of the NEW 2024 Maryland Pediatric Reference Card, click here.

To view the PDF of the NEW 2024 Maryland Pediatric Reference Poster, click here.

Send a request for copies of the Maryland Pediatric Reference Card and Poster to: pepp@miemss.org

2025 Award Nominations

Nomination forms for the 2025 Annual Stars of Life and Right Care When It Counts Awards ​are open and available through the Smart Sheet application links. Please nominate individuals and teams throughout the year.

Final Deadline: Friday March 28, 2025

View Details

EMSC Department Staff

Cynthia Wright-Johnson, 

Director for MD EMSC
Email: cwright@miemss.org

Jennifer Anders, MD, FAAP
Associate State EMS Medical Director for Pediatrics 
Email: janders@miemss.org

Susanne Ogaitis-Jones, 

CPS & OP Health Care Project Coordinator
Email: sogaitisjones@miemss.org or

Danielle Joy, MS, RN, NRP
EMSC Education Specialist
Email: djoy@miemss.org

Mary Ellen Wilson, BSN, RN, CPEN
EMSC Hospital Specialist
Email: mewilson@miemss.org

Susan Catterton
EMSC Administrative Coordinator
Email: scattert@miemss.org

Human Trafficking GET HELP

National Human Trafficking Hotline - 24/7 Confidential

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The State of Maryland pledges to provide constituents, businesses, customers, and stakeholders with friendly and courteous, timely and responsive, accurate and consistent, accessible and convenient, and truthful and transparent services.

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Help Stop Fraud in State Government

The Maryland General Assembly's Office of Legislative Audits operates a toll-free fraud hotline to receive allegations of fraud and/or abuse of State government resources. Information reported to the hotline in the past has helped to eliminate certain fraudulent activities and protect State resources.

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